Posts tagged christmas
christmas recap
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. There's something so magical about this time of year - everyone slows down and enjoys life while Christmas songs are being crooned over the stereo. I love it.

This year did not disappoint. After a big dinner on Christmas Eve, we went to the 11pm candlelight service, my favorite service of the whole year. It's filled with lots and lots of singing and, of course, candles. I adore it.
The next morning, we went to church again, having been there only nine hours before. Afterwards, it was time to open presents.


(This was my present to MeMe...I was rather proud of the wrapping)


Much to the chagrin of my siblings, I made them wait a few seconds longer while I photographed the wrapped presents before their pretty packaging was ripped off. It probably seemed like an eternity to them at the time, but they got over it ;)

japanese masking tape

(one of my presents - Japanese masking tape)

lightroom box :)

(Lightroom! I had been using the trial version, but it expired a few weeks ago. My parents surprised me by buying me the full version! I'm one happy girl.)


After the multitude of presents were unwrapped (which consequently left the living room a disaster despite our best efforts), the rest of the day was spent playing with new things and laughing until we cried. It was a good day.

How was your Christmas? Did you get anything special? Do tell! 

merry christmas!
(That title is totally original, right? I mean it's not like anyone else will title their post "Merry Christmas!" today. ;))

Merry Christmas, sweet friends! I hope your day is filled with lots of food, fun, and time spend with family (Um, yes, you could say I love alliterations. Heh.).

But in the midst of all the presents and shiny new things, let's not forget what today is all about. This is the cutest thing I ever did see, reminding us what the true meaning of Christmas really is.

The Christmas Story from St Paul's on Vimeo.

i'm grateful this christmas eve

It's Christmas Eve - a fact that I still have trouble wrapping my mind around.

Blame it on the fact that I'm getting older or maybe it's because how busy I've been, but this is the first Christmas that I haven't been counting down the days.

There are some moments when I wish time would slow down. December has gone by in such a blur I've barely had time to catch my breath and enjoy the season. Instead, it's been a frantic rush of getting everything done in time, going from to place to place.

But I'm not complaining. No, this Christmas Eve, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the chance to celebrate another Christmas. I'm grateful to be surrounded by loving family and friends. I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for my camera. I'm grateful for the little things in life. And I'm so, so very grateful that God sent down His Son on Christmas to save us from our sins, the greatest gift of all.

What are you grateful for this Christmas?

Merry Christmas!
merry christmas!
(Our Christmas card from this year - it was the first time that I've taken all the photos and made the card by myself ;) (last name blurred out for privacy reasons))


PS I don't want to take away the meaning of this post, but this is just a reminder that today is your last day to enter in my photo challenge!)
miscellaneous ramblings: the (mostly) christmas edition
1. it's christmas break.

Break out the hallelujah chorus! (No pun intended. Hardee har har.) Throw a party! I'm so insanely relieved that it's finally break. Two whole weeks of freedom. And fun. And presents. And celebrating the Savior's birth. I can't wait.

2. we finally got our tree.

Yes, yesterday we got our Christmas tree at last. Decorating the tree to the tunes of the Nat King Cole Christmas station on Pandora and a crackling fire is one of my very favorite traditions.

bokeh from christmas tree lights

While the Christmas lights were on a heap on the floor, I couldn't resist taking a bokeh shot. ;)

christmas tree
christmas tree bokeh

3. my favorite ornaments...

Each year we usually decorate our Christmas tree with white lights and red ornaments (and the occasional green one). But no matter the color scheme, we always make sure to include these very favorite ones from our whole collection.

(my favorite ornaments)

Their expressions crack me up. Especially the pig. His goofy grin and eyes get me every time.


This bird is a new addition to our tree, but it's quickly becoming a favorite of mine. The eclectic, outlandish look makes me love it :)

What are some of your favorite ornaments?

4. christmas is a week from today.

That's kind of scary. I'm having a hard time believing it's Christmas time, for some reason. Maybe it's because the weather is fairly warm here right now. Or maybe it was because I was just focused on school until now. Either way, I hope I can get into the Christmas spirit before it's over.

5. etsy lovelies.

etsy faves

(Left to right, starting at top row: iPod Touch/iPhone case - grey herringbone wool, mustache postcard, the supersnood in camel, Japanese masking tape - beige, mustard yellow rose on grey pillow,  personalized custom hand stamped cuff bracelet)

These are a few of my favorite items on Etsy right now...just in case you want to get me something for Christmas ;)

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? I'm almost goal is to get everything done by Wednesday. We'll see how that goes.

6. feeling unmotivated.

Lately, I'm been so unmotivated photography wise. Last month, I took well over two hundred pictures. (Although, those were the ones I kept. I took and deleted many more.) This month? It's a mere forty two. I apologize for not posting as many photos lately, but I just haven't had many to post. It should get a little better now with Christmas right around the corner, but I'm still frustrated that five or six days will go by without me picking up my camera.

Any ideas to get out of this rut? They'd be greatly appreciated :)

Merry Christmas!
