girly and industrial

Sometimes it's good to to act on an impulse. It's been a dream of mine to go on a shoot in an industrial area with a ballerina. The juxtaposition between girly and edgy gets me every time. Lucky for me, my dear friend Reagan, who has been taking ballet for over ten years and is in a professional division, agreed to help me out with my idea. After a little shopping, she slipped on her leotard and skirt and laced up her pointe shoes. We explored and climbed onto dumpsters (ahem, me), laughed and got into uncomfortable positions for that shot. You know -- the one that requires effort and maybe a even a bit of risk but is so worth it in the end. Have I ever mentioned how much I love photography? And industrial settings.


other highlights of this weekend:

All the super sweet birthday wishes from y'all (I read every single one and oh, they made my day. Thank you so much!) and a surprise visit from Reagan, which turned into her spending the whole weekend with us. I love my friends + family so much.

New moccasins -- they were much needed as my old ones were literally falling apart.


MeMe's birthday yesterday; she's eight! I can't believe it. I remember when she came into this world so clearly. My little Mariam Elizabeth, growing up so fast I can hardly keep up. I love you so much, MeMe!

Reading reading reading -- I devoured two books in three days.

The safe arrival of my sister Alina late last night, who's sitting right next to me at the moment. We're so glad she's here with us for a few weeks!

What were some of your favorites from this weekend?
