delicately blushed


You have to look closely for their personalities, but they're there, no matter how subtle they may be. Summer is a blonde bombshell, perfectly tan and toned, with a flashing white smile. Autumn is a man, quiet and mild-mannered, with a hint of boldness peeking through now and then. Winter is an ice queen, beautiful but harsh and unpredictable. And then there's spring, the innocent younger sister of Summer, a young girl with a wonder for the world. Her cheeks are delicately blushed and her slim figure is draped in a flowy dress as she flits across grass strewn with the petals of fallen blossoms.

(raw honey courtesy of our beekeeper friends)
At the moment, Spring is quickly growing into womanhood. It's becoming warmer by the day, leading to the long, hot season that's sure to come. The nights are no longer cold--last night we stood in the backyard watching Jupiter and Venus run their courses in the sky, while the sweet breeze ruffled our hair and slipped across our skin. My freckles have returned and a tan is beginning to spread across my arms. Eating outdoors is a daily occasion now, and trips to the river happen at least bi-weekly.

Plans for the summer are advancing (that are ridiculously exciting, I must say) and the anticipation mounts, but Spring will grow out of her girlhood all too soon. I shouldn't miss what's left of it.


Happy Tuesday!