Posts tagged spring
delicately blushed

You have to look closely for their personalities, but they're there, no matter how subtle they may be. Summer is a blonde bombshell, perfectly tan and toned, with a flashing white smile. Autumn is a man, quiet and mild-mannered, with a hint of boldness peeking through now and then. Winter is an ice queen, beautiful but harsh and unpredictable. And then there's spring, the innocent younger sister of Summer, a young girl with a wonder for the world. Her cheeks are delicately blushed and her slim figure is draped in a flowy dress as she flits across grass strewn with the petals of fallen blossoms.

(raw honey courtesy of our beekeeper friends)
At the moment, Spring is quickly growing into womanhood. It's becoming warmer by the day, leading to the long, hot season that's sure to come. The nights are no longer cold--last night we stood in the backyard watching Jupiter and Venus run their courses in the sky, while the sweet breeze ruffled our hair and slipped across our skin. My freckles have returned and a tan is beginning to spread across my arms. Eating outdoors is a daily occasion now, and trips to the river happen at least bi-weekly.

Plans for the summer are advancing (that are ridiculously exciting, I must say) and the anticipation mounts, but Spring will grow out of her girlhood all too soon. I shouldn't miss what's left of it.


Happy Tuesday!
things to be happy about, v. 4
[top: gap / sweater: target / jeans: american eagle / belt: thrifted / boots: stolen from mama / necklace: c/o the poppy co]
I'm not going to lie--I didn't have the greatest of weeks. It's not that anything went horribly wrong, but nothing particularly noteworthy occurred and the sun hid its glorious face for nine long days (an extreme rarity in these Oklahoma plains). The sun keeps my spirits up, not to mention it's a primary source of my inspiration, and with it gone, well...

But now the sun has returned and after a long, gloomy week, the weekend has arrived. I couldn't be happier. Today was river exploring, driving practice, being silly while thrifting, and a spontaneous ice cream run (I may have broken my lenten fast...totally worth it).

A few things to add to my happy list...

driving in the golden light, windows rolled way down and radio turned way up : : spending time with my favorite eight year old : : clutching a tiny hand and watching our shadows twist before us : : a freshly cleaned room : : pasta with white wine cream sauce and mushrooms : : azaleas in full bloom : : the return of late sunsets filtering through new leaves

What are some things that you're happy about?
ps the winner of the fildee giveaway is haley--congratulations! please email me with your info within forty eight hours to claim your prize.
spring senses


A burst of color wherever I go--such a welcome change from the drab tones of winter! I can't get enough.


Homemade granola with bananas and milk, and fresh, juicy oranges (not together, of course).


Lots of Bon Iver and The xx; I've put together a little spring playlist here for you as well. (if you're viewing this in a reader, you'll have to click through to see the music)
spring favorites by carlottacisternas on Grooveshark


Sweet breezes from my open window. I even slept with it open a few days was glorious.


Tender new plants in the garden--it's such a rewarding feeling.

Has spring sprung where you live yet?

things to be happy about, v.iii
[dress, shrug, shoes: target // scarf + belt: thrifted// tights: forever 21]
I'm sure I'm not the only one longing for summer, but until then, I've been soaking up this February spring weather and gardening in a polka dot dress (I totally felt like a nineteen fifties housewife). My window is almost always open in the afternoon, the sun streaming through the panes. Have I ever mentioned how much I love having a room in the west part of the house? Oh, and I've been getting my sugar fix in before I give it all up tomorrow. I'm actually really excited about going on a (completely) sugar-free diet...I'm trying it out during lent (are you giving anything up?), but who knows, maybe I'll stay sugar free.

Things to be happy about, volume three:

salted chocolate chip cookies // lilly and her sweet friend jojo all dressed up to go on a date (they are the most adorable couple ever and are destined to marry one day) // the rich, damp smell of spring // the fact that i am less than 100 days from being done with school for the year // grilled cheese sandwiches with strawberry jam // afternoon sunlight streaming into a tidy room // polka dot dresses and messy buns
